Ways to Give
When you give to Arizona Hygiene for Hope (AHH) you are positively affecting the hundreds of individuals, veterans, families and children who attend our events and receive hygiene products and the basic necessities they so desperately need.
Sometimes a donation is just a donation, but for the people who attend our events and receive our support, it’s so much more. Through your contribution to AHH, you are giving a person a second chance to recognize that a regardless of any past experience or mistake, they are valued and there is hope and resources available to them.

Arizona Hygiene for Hope (AHH) is a Qualifying Charitable Organization for the Arizona state tax credit.
If you have an Arizona state tax liability, you can donate to AHH and claim a tax credit on your Arizona Personal Income tax return – up to $400 for singles, heads of household, and married couples filing separately, and up to $800 for married couples filing jointly.
Step 1: Donate to AHH to help support the individuals, families and children who attend our events.
Step 2: File your taxes and claim the AZ Charitable Tax credit by using Form 321. You must use the following QCO Code on your AZ taxes: 21065.
Step 3: Receive your tax credit – up to $400 for singles and up to $800 for couples filing a joint return.
We are not tax advisors. Consult with a qualified tax professional for advice on your specific tax situation.
Monthly giving is an easy, efficient and tax-deductible way to make a difference in helping AHH provide the hygiene items and basic necessities to those most in need.
The Legacy Society is made up of our generous supporters who make a monetary donation of at least $500 or more, annually.
Legacy Society Benefits:
- Listing on azhygiene.org
- Invitation to attend exclusive events
- Special Legacy Society Newsletters
Arizona Hygiene for Hope relies almost entirely on in-kind donations to continue our mission of honoring veterans, encourage and empowering individuals and motivating families to prosper by providing hygiene products and basic essentials.
Your in-kind donation can directly help a homeless woman get a new pair of shoes so that she is no longer walking on the streets barefoot, provide a veteran the essential hygiene product necessary to try to and find employment and provide a mother the cleaning products necessary to enable her children to live in a clean and sanitary environment. Thank you for your support in helping these individuals find hope in your direct support.
You can support Arizona Hygiene for Hope just by shopping at Fry’s – it’s simple! Create a Fry’s VIP online account and enroll in the Fry’s Community Rewards Program. Once enrolled, just swipe your VIP card every time you shop at Fry’s and Arizona Hygiene for Hope receives rewards. Use the link below to enroll.
Honor a person by making a gift in their name. Choose to send a donation in Memorial, Honor or a Birthday gift and help provide hygiene products and basic essentials to those most in need.
Matching Gifts
Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees?
If your company participates in a matching gift program, you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift! Contributions of any amount help AHH acquire the essential products and hygiene items necessary to empower individuals to take the next step in self-improvement. Please check with your employer to see if they participate in a matching gift program. If your company does participate in a matching gift program and you’re interested in enhancing your contribution, please contact info@azhygiene.org for more information.
Workplace Giving
Did you know that you can donate to AHH seamlessly through payroll deductions? And since companies often match employee contributions, workplace giving provides you with the opportunity to directly influence your company’s philanthropic endeavors. For more information, please contact info@azhygiene.org.
Support our work in honoring veterans, encouraging and empowering individuals and motivating families to prosper by providing hygiene products and basic essentials.
Bequest from Your Will
Including AHH in your will or trust is a meaningful way to help us continue to provide hygiene products and basic necessities to those most in need.
Ways You Can Give Through a Will or Trust:
- Leave a specific dollar amount or asset to AHH.
- Designate a percentage of your estate to be given through your will or living trust.
- Give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate, or that which remains after bequests to loved ones have been made.
The following is an example of suggested language to include in your will/trust:
“I give and bequeath to AHH Eliminated Together Today a not-for-profit corporation, with principal offices presently located at 4939 W. Ray Rd., Suite #4-507, Chandler, AZ, 85226, the sum of, or _______% of my estate, to be used for the accomplishment of its general purpose (or for a specific purpose as indicated)”.
Ways You Can Give Through Other Means:
- An outright gift of cash
- Securities
- Personal property
- Real estate (real estate is accepted on a case-by-case basis with minimum valuation considerations and a written appraisal)
Disclaimer: The material presented in this website is intended as general educational information on the topics discussed herein and should not be interpreted as legal, financial or tax advice. Please seek the specific advice of your tax advisor, attorney, and/or financial planner to discuss the application of these topics to your individual situation.